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Fields of Connection: Exploring Organisational Life, 27 Sept 2024

Fields of Connection 27 September 2024

Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations

‘Organisational Constellations’ is an embodied and developmental practice for mapping, exploring, and experimenting with the challenges, tangles, and possibilities of life in complex systems that involve other people and the society and world around us.

“A fascinating and experiential introduction to systemic constellations, and their application to a deeper understanding of our working relationships. I’m confident that anyone interested in connecting more deeply with the emergent will find inspiration in this day.”

This collective practice can help us to see, sense and understand the way life flows or becomes impeded in our organisational lives, and to experiment with new possibilities, including finding ways to soften and open into a wider freedom and deeper dignity in which new possibilities can arise.

It’s a practice in seeing and respectfully turning towards ‘what is’, in service of opening to ‘what longs to come through’. It draws on the wisdom of our bodies and hearts as well as our minds, generating illuminating insights and giving the opportunity to experiment with and experience, in a dignified and embodied way, new narratives for our individual participation in the life of an organisation and for the life of the organisation itself. In all of these ways it has a deep resonance with the commitments to life’s unfolding that inform and shape integral development coaching.

"As with all things Thirdspace, there was a strong sense of safety and belonging in the room from the very beginning, which made for a deep and rich learning environment. I loved how quickly we got into some practical work, which brought the constellations practice to life so powerfully."

Justin has been studying constellations for some years and this is part of Thirdspace’s new stream of work in this beautiful field of practice. We have 12 spaces for PCC graduates to join us for this in-person day, facilitated by Justin, in the lovely ‘Lantern Room’ at Temple Lodge in Hammersmith.


The day will run 10am - 5pm.

The workshop fee is £180.00 (£150.00 + VAT). We ask you to pay a £30 (inc VAT) deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events.

Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so.

What You’ll Need to Participate

At each workshop we’ll offer opportunities for participants to benefit from a constellation as a way to work with a genuine topic (a question or dilemma) you’d like to explore that faces you, or a coaching client you’re working with, in an organisation of any size that you or they are involved with. It should be a topic for which you’d benefit from gaining new insights and seeing new possibilities than you’ve been able to see so far. You might think of the opportunity to bring something as a kind of ‘supervision’ process for something you or a client wants to work with.

During the day we will map out and explore 2-3 people’s topics - and there will be rich learning for everyone who participates.

We are so excited about being able to offer this new field of work to our community and to the wider world, and would be thrilled for you to join us.

Earlier Event: September 1
Late-Summer Picnic 1 Sept 2024
Later Event: October 15
Business of Coaching - online