Business of Coaching - online
to Mar 18

Business of Coaching - online

  • Google Calendar ICS
Business of Coaching

This programme is a mix of theoretical base in an action learning set format which brings together a small group of learners (maximum 6 per group) on a journey of discovery around the business of coaching. It aims to support participants in answering the typical questions that you have as you embark on setting yourself up as a coach and developing a business in a crowded market place.

The intentions of the programme are …

  • To discover your unique talents as a coach

  • To dream about where these talents could take you

  • To design ways of delivering your talent into the world

  • To deploy and then cross check back as we learn together


The programme will run over 6 months - with monthly online sessions of 2.5 hours on the following Tuesdays from 9.30-12 noon UK:
15 October, 12 November, 10 December, 14 January, 11 February, 18 March

The fee is £750.00 + VAT if applicable. We ask you to pay a £30 (inc VAT) deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so.

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Alumni Book Club 2024-2025
to Mar 19

Alumni Book Club 2024-2025

Alumni Book Club 2024-5

Beginning in October 2024, Thirdspace are offering the 5th season of our Book Club that will run over 6 monthly online sessions, open to all PCC graduates and current PCC students.

Dates: 16 October, 20 November, 18 December, 15 January, 19 February, 19 March

Time: 6.30pm-8.00pm via Zoom

Our intention is for the Book Club to be a regular practice in reading and sharing. Each month we will explore a set of facilitated questions: making space for conversation and reflection and honouring our tradition of learning as a community. We want to invite an ever deepening understanding of human development, supporting both our work with clients and with ourselves.

Sessions will include a short orientation to the topic by the Book Club host, followed by time in groups to reflect on our individual and collective learning, before coming back together for a group review. We hope that this structure will give the opportunity for as many people who would like to join us to do so while providing the intimacy of small group discussion.

Attendance at all six sessions will count for recertification as an Integral Coach for the coming year.

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Deepening Our Practice Part 2: Working with Parts & Process with our Clients
to Mar 7

Deepening Our Practice Part 2: Working with Parts & Process with our Clients

Part 2: Working With Your Clients

Part 2 of this programme is intended to support you in opening up paths for supporting your coaching clients in working with their own system of self and parts with kindness, truthfulness and compassion. You’ll need to complete Part 1 in order to join Part 2. You can read more about Part 1 here.

On Part 2 you will have the opportunity to continue to attend to the path of your own development. Through conversation, practice and reflection we’ll support you in

  • working ‘in the moment’ with parts and essential self

  • supporting your clients in staying in compassionate contact with those parts that may have been pushed away or exiled

  • being of support to your clients in freeing parts that have taken up ‘no-longer-called-for roles’ in bringing their gifts.

There will be a strong practice and reflection thread to our four days together, with many opportunities to step into the wonder of working with parts, self and process with others in the group.

The programme is offered entirely online and runs from 10am to 6pm UK time each day. We will gather in an intimate and welcoming community of learning on Zoom, with 18 places open to anyone who is a graduate of the PCC and who has completed Session 1 of this programme. The four days will be led by Neena, Lizzie and Justin.

Fees for Part 2

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £1200 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £1200 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 or £400 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £400 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

We ask for a £75 non-refundable but transferrable deposit to reserve your place on Session 1.

We will invoice the full balance for each session when we receive your deposit. We ask that you pay in full as soon as you can and at least a month before the programme begins. Please speak with us if you have any requests that would make this more doable for you.

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Informal Study Day February 2025
10:00 AM10:00

Informal Study Day February 2025

An informal, conversational day of study and learning with Justin

Towards the end of February I'll be hosting the next of our informal study days, which will run on Zoom with between 6 and 12 people, depending upon how many people are available and interested in joining. Each day stands alone so you can join whether or not you’ve been with us for one of these before.

Deeper Into the Ten Ways: Power, Vocation and Beyond

The Ten Ways are such a powerful way into working developmentally with our clients, and with ourselves. This will be an informal study day in which we'll study the later stages in the Ten Ways together - the worlds they invite, and the developmental shifts between them. We'll also include looking again at 'Working with the 10 Ways through the 6 Streams', which has been introduced into the PCC in recent years.

I’ll look forward to seeing you there.


Informal Study Day with Justin, Fri 21st Feb 2025

The fee for each day is £175 (ex UK VAT). If you're in the UK we will need to add UK VAT at 20%.

We want to make this opportunity available to everyone, and know that everyone's financial resources are different, so you are also welcome to let us know that you would benefit from a reduced fee. We'll get in touch to agree with you what can work.

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Fields of Connection: Exploring Organisational Life, 20 Feb 2025
10:00 AM10:00

Fields of Connection: Exploring Organisational Life, 20 Feb 2025

Fields of Connection Thurs 20th Feb 2025

Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations

‘Organisational Constellations’ is an embodied and developmental practice for mapping, exploring, and experimenting with the challenges, tangles, and possibilities of life in complex systems that involve other people and the society and world around us.

“A fascinating and experiential introduction to systemic constellations, and their application to a deeper understanding of our working relationships. I’m confident that anyone interested in connecting more deeply with the emergent will find inspiration in this day.”

This collective practice can help us to see, sense and understand the way life flows or becomes impeded in our organisational lives, and to experiment with new possibilities, including finding ways to soften and open into a wider freedom and deeper dignity in which new possibilities can arise.

It’s a practice in seeing and respectfully turning towards ‘what is’, in service of opening to ‘what longs to come through’. It draws on the wisdom of our bodies and hearts as well as our minds, generating illuminating insights and giving the opportunity to experiment with and experience, in a dignified and embodied way, new narratives for our individual participation in the life of an organisation and for the life of the organisation itself. In all of these ways it has a deep resonance with the commitments to life’s unfolding that inform and shape integral development coaching.

"As with all things Thirdspace, there was a strong sense of safety and belonging in the room from the very beginning, which made for a deep and rich learning environment. I loved how quickly we got into some practical work, which brought the constellations practice to life so powerfully."

Justin has been studying constellations for some years and this is part of Thirdspace’s new stream of work in this beautiful field of practice. This isn’t a training course in how to facilitate a constellation, but an opportunity to participate in organisational systemic constellations for your own learning and insight. It’s typical to gain much personally relevant learning during a day like this, learning that will be of service in your coaching and in your wider life.

We have 12 spaces - for our PCC Graduate community and this time someone who is not a PCC Graduate but who is accompanied by you is also very welcome to purchase a place.


The day will run 10am - 5pm and is facilitated by Justin, in the lovely ‘Lantern Room’ at Temple Lodge in Hammersmith.

The workshop fee is £180.00 (£150.00 + VAT). £30 (inc VAT) of that is a deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events.

Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so. We will be happy to respond.

A special note, especially if you’re booking travel to be with us

We will confirm by email that the workshop is definitely going ahead at the latest two weeks before the scheduled date, and perhaps much earlier - as soon as we reach the minimum group size of 8 that we need for the day to work. Please don’t book travel that you cannot change until you hear from us.

What You’ll Need to Participate

At each workshop we’ll offer opportunities for participants to benefit from a constellation as a way to work with a genuine topic (a question or dilemma) you’d like to explore that faces you, or a coaching client you’re working with, in an organisation of any size that you or they are involved with.

It should be a topic for which you’d benefit from gaining new insights and seeing new possibilities than you’ve been able to see so far. As well as the possibility of bringing your own issue it’s a great way to benefit from ‘supervision’ for an issue you’re supporting a client of yours with.

During the day we will map out and explore 1-3 people’s topics - and there will be rich learning for everyone who participates.

We are so excited about being able to offer again this new field of work to our community and to the wider world, and would be thrilled for you to join us.

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Informal Study Days December 2024
to Dec 20

Informal Study Days December 2024

  • Google Calendar ICS

Two standalone days of study and learning with Justin

Towards the end of December I'll be hosting two days of informal study groups, which will run on Zoom with between 6 and 12 people, depending upon how many people are available and interested in joining. Each day stands alone so you can join just one or both.

I’ll look forward to seeing you there.


Day 1 Presence and Absence - What Heidegger’s philosophy can teach us about life and coaching

Thursday 19 December 2024, 10am - 5pm UK

Martin Heidegger's philosophy can do so much to illuminate our lives. He gives us powerful distinctions for observing ourselves, for seeing how we change, and for undoing much of the reductionist narrative that our contemporary society pulls us into. There's also much of integral development coaching that draws on his work. This informal study day will draw on all of this. You do not have to know anything about Heidegger’s work, or to have studied philosophy, to join us. And you don’t need to read his over-complex and confusing work - we will learn together with pictures, conversation, and from all of our questions. All you need is an openness to learning, to being deeply curious, and to be up for an inquiry into life with fellow learners.

Day 2 Deeper Into the Ten Ways: Balance to conversations

Friday 20 December 2024, 10am - 5pm UK

The Ten Ways are such a powerful way into working developmentally with our clients, and with ourselves. This will be an informal study day in which we'll study the earlier stages in the Ten Ways together - the worlds they invite, and the developmental shifts between them. We'll also include looking again at 'Working with the 10 Ways through the 6 Streams', which has been introduced into the PCC in recent years. There’ll be a follow-up day in February on Power to Vocation and Beyond.

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Deepening Our Practice Part 1: Working with Essential Self, Parts & Process
to Nov 1

Deepening Our Practice Part 1: Working with Essential Self, Parts & Process

For some time now we’ve been drawing on a powerful body of work - ‘Internal Family Systems’ - as we have worked with our own development and with our clients in our coaching practices. It’s a way of understanding people that proposes that we’re never just ‘one thing’ but constituted as a system, or ‘family’, of inner parts that are in an unfolding process of ongoing relationship with one another and the world. As well as the many parts of us (some of which are protector parts, some of which are ‘exiled’ parts carrying both burdens and gifts) the model proposes an enduring Essential Self - wide, deep, compassionate, present - which can attend to the parts, support them and, when called for, lead the family of parts in skilful ways.

The approach has strong resonance with all we teach on the PCC and has an enormous degree of explanatory power - how we get stuck, how we might compassionately liberate the gifts we could bring, and how we can honour and integrate what is more difficult or challenging within us. It opens up new ways of understanding development (in the 10 ways), personality (as in the 3 Panels, Enneagram), and the ‘essential self’ with the many qualities and virtues that we can bring into the world. And it lends itself very pragmatically to working sensitively and powerfully with the unfolding developmental and relational process of our clients in all four human domains. It’s a wonderful and coherent adjunct to the skills of coaching you’ll have learned in the PCC.

Part 1: Working with Our own Inner Systems with Compassion and Inclusion

In our first 3-day session we’ll focus on ways we can work with our own inner systems and how they have us show up in the world of others. We intend that you leave the first session with 

  • powerful new distinctions and practices that can help you begin to observe and work skilfully and compassionately with your own inner family systems - in support of everything belonging and in support of your own ongoing unfoldment

  • ways to further develop your sensitivity, care and creativity in working with yourself that can form the foundation for working with others.

The programme is offered entirely online and runs from 10am to 6pm UK time each day. We will gather in an intimate community of learning on Zoom, with 18 places open to anyone who is a graduate of the PCC. The three days will be led by Neena, Lizzie and Justin.

Fees for Part 1

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £900 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £900 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £300 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

Part 2: Working With Our Clients, March 2025

A second session which supports you in extending your understanding to your work with your clients will run over four days in March 2025. We encourage you to reserve a place on Part 2 here if you would like to complete the whole programme with us in 2024.

We ask for a £75 non-refundable but transferrable deposit to reserve your place on Session 1.

We will invoice the full balance for each session when we receive your deposit. We ask that you pay in full as soon as you can and at least a month before the programme begins. Please speak with us if you have any requests that would make this more doable for you.

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Fields of Connection: Exploring Organisational Life, 27 Sept 2024
10:00 AM10:00

Fields of Connection: Exploring Organisational Life, 27 Sept 2024

Fields of Connection 27 September 2024

Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations

‘Organisational Constellations’ is an embodied and developmental practice for mapping, exploring, and experimenting with the challenges, tangles, and possibilities of life in complex systems that involve other people and the society and world around us.

“A fascinating and experiential introduction to systemic constellations, and their application to a deeper understanding of our working relationships. I’m confident that anyone interested in connecting more deeply with the emergent will find inspiration in this day.”

This collective practice can help us to see, sense and understand the way life flows or becomes impeded in our organisational lives, and to experiment with new possibilities, including finding ways to soften and open into a wider freedom and deeper dignity in which new possibilities can arise.

It’s a practice in seeing and respectfully turning towards ‘what is’, in service of opening to ‘what longs to come through’. It draws on the wisdom of our bodies and hearts as well as our minds, generating illuminating insights and giving the opportunity to experiment with and experience, in a dignified and embodied way, new narratives for our individual participation in the life of an organisation and for the life of the organisation itself. In all of these ways it has a deep resonance with the commitments to life’s unfolding that inform and shape integral development coaching.

"As with all things Thirdspace, there was a strong sense of safety and belonging in the room from the very beginning, which made for a deep and rich learning environment. I loved how quickly we got into some practical work, which brought the constellations practice to life so powerfully."

Justin has been studying constellations for some years and this is part of Thirdspace’s new stream of work in this beautiful field of practice. We have 12 spaces for PCC graduates to join us for this in-person day, facilitated by Justin, in the lovely ‘Lantern Room’ at Temple Lodge in Hammersmith.


The day will run 10am - 5pm.

The workshop fee is £180.00 (£150.00 + VAT). We ask you to pay a £30 (inc VAT) deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events.

Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so.

What You’ll Need to Participate

At each workshop we’ll offer opportunities for participants to benefit from a constellation as a way to work with a genuine topic (a question or dilemma) you’d like to explore that faces you, or a coaching client you’re working with, in an organisation of any size that you or they are involved with. It should be a topic for which you’d benefit from gaining new insights and seeing new possibilities than you’ve been able to see so far. You might think of the opportunity to bring something as a kind of ‘supervision’ process for something you or a client wants to work with.

During the day we will map out and explore 2-3 people’s topics - and there will be rich learning for everyone who participates.

We are so excited about being able to offer this new field of work to our community and to the wider world, and would be thrilled for you to join us.

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Late-Summer Picnic 1 Sept 2024
2:00 PM14:00

Late-Summer Picnic 1 Sept 2024

Thirdspace Late-Summer Picnic Sept 1 2024

Open to everyone - our graduate community, friends of Thirdspace, your partners, friends, children, pets. Come and gather and meet people in person. It will be a relaxed, 'everyone welcome' time on Sunday 1 September from 2pm to 5pm. We’ll meet just inside Sheen Gate of Richmond Park in SW London: what3words location

The nearest train station is SW Trains and it’s called Mortlake. It’s about a 10/15 minute walk from the station and there are lots of coffee shops / places to get a sandwich on the way up from the station to the park gate. 

As you come into the gate, we’ll be somewhere on the right hand side of the gate in the forest area just beyond the car park area. You can also drive if you live nearby and the car park is very near to the forest area where we’ll gather picnic style. 

You can bring whatever you’d like to eat, drink, share, play and we will simply hang out, chat and be together for an afternoon. We’ll be hoping for some late-summer sunshine.

Everyone is welcome - family members, friends etc. And we hope to gather as many of us together as we can. 

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Fields of Connection - Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations
10:00 AM10:00

Fields of Connection - Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations

Fields of Connection - Exploring Organisational Life through Systemic Constellations

‘Organisational Constellations’ is an embodied and developmental practice for mapping, exploring, and experimenting with the challenges, tangles, and possibilities of life in complex systems that involve other people and the society and world around us.

It can help us to see, sense and understand the way life flows or becomes impeded in our organisational lives, and to experiment with new possibilities, including finding ways to soften and open into a wider freedom and deeper dignity in which new possibilities can arise.

It’s a practice in seeing and respectfully turning towards ‘what is’, in service of opening to ‘what longs to come through’. It draws on the wisdom of our bodies and hearts as well as our minds, generating illuminating insights and giving the opportunity to experiment with and experience, in a dignified and embodied way, new narratives for our individual participation in the life of an organisation and for the life of the organisation itself. In all of these ways it has a deep resonance with the commitments to life’s unfolding that inform and shape integral development coaching.

Justin has been studying constellations for some years and this is Thirdspace’s first foray into this beautiful field of practice. We have 12 spaces for PCC graduates to join us for this in-person day, facilitated by Justin, in the lovely ‘Lantern Room’ at Temple Lodge in Hammersmith.


The day will run 10am - 5pm on Thursday 1 Feb 2024. If we fill up we have the possibility of offering a second day on Friday 2 Feb. And as it’s our first time into these realms, it will be a day for all of us to learn from, together.

The workshop fee is £180.00 (£150.00 + VAT). We ask you to pay a £30 (inc VAT) deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events.

Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so.

What You’ll Need to Participate

For this first offering, we ask that you come with a genuine topic (a question or dilemma) you’d like to explore that faces you, or a coaching client you’re working with, in an organisation of any size that you or they are involved with. It should be a topic for which you’d benefit from gaining new insights and seeing new possibilities than you’ve been able to see so far.

During the day we will map out and explore 3-4 people’s topics - and there will be rich learning for everyone who participates.

We are so excited about being able to offer this new field of work to our community and to the wider world, and would be thrilled for you to join us.

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Winter Graduate Workshop 2023 - Online
9:00 AM09:00

Winter Graduate Workshop 2023 - Online

Winter Graduate Workshop Friday 1 December 2023 - Online

Please book your place and we’ll send you an invoice.

The workshop fee is £180.00 (£150.00 + VAT). Attendance will count for your recertification as an Integral Development Coach. All proceeds from the workshop will be donated to our PCC Scholarship Fund. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but find the fee prohibitive.

Please save the date and we’ll be in touch with further details about the topic for the day.

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Somatic Awareness in Integral Coaching - Sessions 2, 3 & 4 - In Person, London
to Apr 26

Somatic Awareness in Integral Coaching - Sessions 2, 3 & 4 - In Person, London

Somatic Awareness In Integral Coaching - 4-Day Programme In Person, London

17 & 18 October and 14 & 15 November

The fee is £1,100.00 + VAT. We ask you to pay a £30 (inc VAT) deposit to secure your place, which is transferrable to other Thirdspace events. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but the fee makes it difficult for you to do so.

Deepening the work of Session 1: Centring on your commitment, we are offering three further days of Somatic Awareness.

  • Session 2: Centring in your relationships (10th November)

  • Session 3: Speech Acts through the body (2nd February)

  • Session 4: Blending and staying centred (26th April)

The workshop will be led by Bobby Davies  and Andy Rogers.

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Somatic Awareness in Integral Coaching - Session 1 - In Person, London
9:00 AM09:00

Somatic Awareness in Integral Coaching - Session 1 - In Person, London

Somatic Awareness In Integral Coaching - Session 1 - In Person, London

The workshop fee is £210 (£175.00 + VAT). Attendance will count for your recertification as an Integral Development Coach. All proceeds from the workshop will be donated to our PCC Scholarship Fund. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but find the fee prohibitive.

Somatic Coaching teaches us how to become a deep observer of how we think, the stories that run through our head, our moods and emotions in these stories, the sensations in our body (SELF) and the actions taken as a result.

This in-person workshop will allow us to explore our conditioned tendencies, practice centering, and work with new ways of being in our bodies to support our commitments and declarations in the world.

By working with a Somatic Coach our stories can get re-wired THROUGH the actions and practices we take with our body. And the more we practice, the more EMBODIED they become, and a NEW SHAPE emerges.

And as a holistic observer, fully using our BODY/SELF as a valuable resource, we find more choices, more possibilities, new actions.

The workshop will be led by one of our Alumni (Fellow travellers ) Bobby Davies, who is also a qualified Somatic coach with the Strozzi Institute and Andy Rogers who has studied deeply in the somatic stream.

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Alumni Book Club 2023-2024
to Mar 20

Alumni Book Club 2023-2024

Alumni Book Club 2024-5

Beginning in October 2023, Thirdspace are offering the 4th season of our Book Club that will run over 6 monthly online sessions, open to all PCC graduates and current PCC students.

Dates: 18 October, 15 November, 20 December, 17 January, 21 February, 20 March

Time: 6.30pm-8.00pm via Zoom

Our intention is for the Book Club to be a regular practice in reading and sharing. Each month we will explore a set of facilitated questions: making space for conversation and reflection and honouring our tradition of learning as a community. We want to invite an ever deepening understanding of human development, supporting both our work with clients and with ourselves.

Sessions will include a short orientation to the topic by the Book Club host, followed by time in groups to reflect on our individual and collective learning, before coming back together for a group review. We hope that this structure will give the opportunity for as many people who would like to join us to do so while providing the intimacy of small group discussion.

Attendance at all six sessions will count for recertification as an Integral Coach for the coming year.

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Deepening Our Practice Session 2: Working with Parts & Process with our Clients
to Sep 15

Deepening Our Practice Session 2: Working with Parts & Process with our Clients

  • Google Calendar ICS

For some time now we’ve been drawing on a powerful body of work - ‘Internal Family Systems’ - in our coaching practice. It’s a way of understanding people that proposes that we’re never just ‘one thing’ but constituted as a system, or ‘family’, of inner parts that are in an unfolding process of ongoing relationship with one another and the world. As well as the many parts of us (some of which are protector parts, some of which are ‘exiled’ parts carrying both burdens and gifts) the model proposes an enduring Essential Self - wide, deep, compassionate, present - which can attend to the parts, support them and, when called for, lead the family of parts in skilful ways.

The approach has strong resonance with all we teach on the PCC and has an enormous degree of explanatory power - how we get stuck, how we might compassionately liberate the gifts we could bring, and how we can honour and integrate what is more difficult or challenging within us. It opens up new ways of understanding development (in the 10 ways), personality (as in the 3 Panels, Enneagram), and the ‘essential self’ with the many qualities and virtues that we can bring into the world. And it lends itself very pragmatically to working sensitively and powerfully with the unfolding developmental and relational process of our clients in all four human domains. It’s a wonderful and coherent adjunct to the skills of coaching you’ll have learned in the PCC.

Session 2: Working With Your Clients

Session 2 of this new programme is intended to support you in opening up paths for supporting your coaching clients in working with their own system of self and parts with kindness, truthfulness and compassion. You will also have the opportunity to continue to attend to the path of your own development. Through conversation, practice and reflection we’ll support you in

  • working ‘in the moment’ with parts and essential self

  • supporting your clients in staying in compassionate contact with those parts that may have been pushed away or exiled

  • being of support to your clients in freeing parts that have taken up ‘no-longer-called-for roles’ in bringing their gifts.

There will be a strong practice and reflection thread to our four days together, with many opportunities to step into the wonder of working with parts, self and process with others in the group.

The programme is offered entirely online and runs from 10am to 6pm UK time each day. We will gather in an intimate and welcoming community of learning on Zoom, with 18 places open to anyone who is a graduate of the PCC and who has completed Session 1 of this programme. The four days will be led by Neena, Lizzie and Justin.

Fees for Session 2

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £1200 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £1200 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 or £400 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £400 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

Reserve your place
We ask for a £75 non-refundable but transferrable deposit to reserve your place. We will invoice the full balance before the programme begins.

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Summer Graduate Workshop - In Person, London
9:00 AM09:00

Summer Graduate Workshop - In Person, London

Summer Graduate Workshop Friday 14 July 2023 - In Person, London

A Day of Exploration on Somatic Development

The workshop fee is £210 (£175.00 + VAT). Attendance will count for your recertification as an Integral Development Coach. All proceeds from the workshop will be donated to our PCC Scholarship Fund. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but find the fee prohibitive.

Somatic Coaching teaches us how to become a deep observer of how we think, the stories that run through our head, our moods and emotions in these stories, the sensations in our body (SELF) and the actions taken as a result.

This in-person workshop will allow us to explore our conditioned tendencies, practice centering, and work with new ways of being in our bodies to support our commitments and declarations in the world.

By working with a Somatic Coach our stories can get re-wired THROUGH the actions and practices we take with our body. And the more we practice, the more EMBODIED they become, and a NEW SHAPE emerges.

And as a holistic observer, fully using our BODY/SELF as a valuable resource, we find more choices, more possibilities, new actions.

The workshop will be led by one of our Alumni (Fellow travellers ) Bobby Davies, who is also a qualified Somatic coach with the Strozzi Institute and Andy Rogers who has studied deeply in the somatic stream.

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Deepening Our Practice Session 1: Working with Essential Self, Parts & Process
to Apr 21

Deepening Our Practice Session 1: Working with Essential Self, Parts & Process

  • Google Calendar ICS

For some time now we’ve been drawing on a powerful body of work - ‘Internal Family Systems’ - as we have worked with our own development and with our clients in our coaching practices. It’s a way of understanding people that proposes that we’re never just ‘one thing’ but constituted as a system, or ‘family’, of inner parts that are in an unfolding process of ongoing relationship with one another and the world. As well as the many parts of us (some of which are protector parts, some of which are ‘exiled’ parts carrying both burdens and gifts) the model proposes an enduring Essential Self - wide, deep, compassionate, present - which can attend to the parts, support them and, when called for, lead the family of parts in skilful ways.

The approach has strong resonance with all we teach on the PCC and has an enormous degree of explanatory power - how we get stuck, how we might compassionately liberate the gifts we could bring, and how we can honour and integrate what is more difficult or challenging within us. It opens up new ways of understanding development (in the 10 ways), personality (as in the 3 Panels, Enneagram), and the ‘essential self’ with the many qualities and virtues that we can bring into the world. And it lends itself very pragmatically to working sensitively and powerfully with the unfolding developmental and relational process of our clients in all four human domains. It’s a wonderful and coherent adjunct to the skills of coaching you’ll have learned in the PCC.

Session 1: Working with Ourselves with Compassion and Inclusion

In our first 3-day session we’ll focus on ways we can work with our own inner systems and how they have us show up in the world of others. We intend that you leave the first session with 

  • powerful new distinctions and practices that can help you begin to observe and work skilfully and compassionately with your own inner family systems - in support of everything belonging and in support of your own ongoing unfoldment

  • ways to further develop your sensitivity, care and creativity in working with yourself that can form the foundation for working with others.

The programme is offered entirely online and runs from 10am to 6pm UK time each day. We will gather in an intimate community of learning on Zoom, with 18 places open to anyone who is a graduate of the PCC. The three days will be led by Neena, Lizzie and Justin.

Session 2 will be coming in September 2023

A second session which supports you in extending your understanding to your work with your clients will run over four days on September 12-15 2023.

Fees for Session 1

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £900 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £900 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £300 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

Reserve your place
We ask for a £75 non-refundable but transferrable deposit to reserve your place. We will invoice the full balance before the programme begins.

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Winter Graduate Workshop 2022 - Online
9:00 AM09:00

Winter Graduate Workshop 2022 - Online

Winter Graduate Workshop Friday 2 December 2022

Please book your place and we’ll send you an invoice.

The workshop fee is £150.00 (£125.00 + VAT). Attendance will count for your recertification as an Integral Development Coach. All proceeds from the workshop will be donated to our PCC Scholarship Fund. Please speak to us if you’d like to participate but find the fee prohibitive.

Please save the date and we’ll be in touch with further details about the topic for the day.

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Alumni Book Club November 2022 - April 2023
6:30 PM18:30

Alumni Book Club November 2022 - April 2023

Beginning in November 2022, Thirdspace are offering the third edition of our Book Club that will run over 6 monthly online sessions, open to all PCC graduates and current PCC students.

Our intention is for the Book Club to be a regular practice in reading and sharing. Each month we will explore a set of facilitated questions: making space for conversation and reflection and honouring our tradition of learning as a community. We want to invite an ever deepening understanding of human development, supporting both our work with clients and with ourselves.

Sessions will include a short orientation to the topic by the Book Club host, followed by time in groups to reflect on our individual and collective learning, before coming back together for a group review. We hope that this structure will give the opportunity for as many people who would like to join us to do so while providing the intimacy of small group discussion.

Attendance at all six sessions will count for recertification as an Integral Coach for the coming year.

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Meet The Leader call for Coaching for Development
7:00 PM19:00

Meet The Leader call for Coaching for Development

Meet The ‘Coaching for Development’ course Leaders - a call specially for PCC Graduates

Andy Rogers, Amanda Visagie and Sue Braithwaite, the faculty leading our new Coaching for Development programme will introduce you to the programme, highlight the distinctions between CfD and PCC and outline the types of participants that we feel the programme will most effectively support.

Please join us to find out more and explore ways in which you can extend the invitation into developmental learning with Thirdspace to others you know or work alongside.

Please register for the call below and we’ll send you the Zoom link. If you have any questions in the meantime, please be in touch

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Working with Process & Parts: Module 2. SOLD OUT
to Feb 25

Working with Process & Parts: Module 2. SOLD OUT


Module 2 of this new programme is intended to support you in deepening your own skilfulness in working with your own unfolding developmental process with kindness and compassion AND stepping into skilful ways of supporting your coaching clients in doing the same.

We will gather in an intimate community of learning on Zoom, with 18 places open to anyone who participated in the pilot Module 1 in July 2021, or the Module 1 in November 2021. The four days will be led by Neena and Justin.

The programme will be specifically oriented towards integrating bringing a parts and process sensitivity into your practice as an integral development coach. We’ll study and practice together working ‘in the moment’ with parts and essential self, and we’ll discover ways to be of compassionate support to our clients in freeing parts that have taken up ‘no-longer-called-for roles’ in bringing their gifts. There will be a strong practice and reflection thread to our four days together, with many opportunities to step into the wonder of working with parts, self and process with others in the group. And, as with every Thirdspace programme, we’ll build together an intimate, welcoming and supportive environment for our sincere enquiry and the joys of learning together.

Fees for Module 2:

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £800 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £800 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 or £400 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £400 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

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Working with Process & Parts: Module 1
to Nov 5

Working with Process & Parts: Module 1


For some time now we’ve been bringing ‘Internal Family Systems’ into our coaching practice. It’s a way of understanding people that proposes that we’re never just ‘one thing’ but constituted as a system, or ‘family’, of inner parts that are in relationship with one another and the world. As well as the many parts of us (some of which are protector parts, some of which are ‘exiled’ parts carrying both burdens and gifts) the model proposes an enduring Essential Self - wide, deep, compassionate, present - which can attend to the parts, support them and, when called for, lead the family of parts in skilful ways.

The approach has an enormous degree of explanatory power - how we get stuck, how we might compassionately liberate the gifts we could bring - and it opens up new ways of understanding development (in the 10 ways), personality (as in the 3 Panels, Enneagram), and the ‘essential self’ with the many qualities and virtues that we can bring into the world. And, in combination with ‘Focusing’ (a way of working with the moment-to-moment unfolding of the rich and complex systems that we are), it also lends itself very pragmatically to working sensitively and powerfully with the unfolding process of our clients. It’s a wonderful and coherent adjunct to the skills of coaching you’ll have learned in the PCC.

We intend that you leave the first module with 

  • powerful new distinctions and practices that can help you begin to work skilfully and compassionately with your own inner family systems

  • ways to further develop your sensitivity, care and creativity in working with yourself that can form the foundation for working with others.

Fees for Module 1:

We are developing models for fees that can themselves be as inclusive as possible. We want to make our work increasingly available to everyone. To support this we’re offering three different choices for fees for this module:

  • Attender - the standard course fee of £700 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

  • Supporter - an opportunity to make it possible for others to join us. You pay a course fee of £700 (+ UK VAT if applicable) + a donation towards someone else’s place. We suggest a donation of £300 but you can choose to donate less or more as your resources allow

  • Supported - a reduced course fee of £300 (+ UK VAT if applicable)

If these fees don’t work for you, please speak to us. We are committed to finding ways to have our offerings be as inclusive as we can.

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Alumni Book Club October 2021 - March 2022
to Nov 14

Alumni Book Club October 2021 - March 2022

Beginning in October 2021, Thirdspace are offering a Book Club that will run over 6 monthly online sessions, open to all PCC graduates and current PCC students.

Our intention is for the Book Club to be a regular practice in reading and sharing. Each month we will explore a set of facilitated questions: making space for conversation and reflection and honouring our tradition of learning as a community. We want to invite an ever deepening understanding of human development, supporting both our work with clients and with ourselves.

Sessions will include a short orientation to the topic by the Book Club host, followed by time in groups to reflect on our individual and collective learning, before coming back together for a group review. We hope that this structure will give the opportunity for as many people who would like to join us to do so while providing the intimacy of small group discussion.

Attendance at all six sessions will count for recertification as an Integral Coach for the coming year.

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