Informal Study Days December 2023
Thursday 21st - Friday 22nd December 2023, 10am-5pm each day
The Ten Ways are such a powerful way into working developmentally with our clients, and with ourselves. This will be an informal study day in which we'll study each of the Ten together, including the latter five which we don't spend so much time on in the PCC - the worlds they invite, and the developmental shifts between them. We'll also include looking again at 'Working with the 10 Ways through the 6 Streams', which has been introduced into the PCC in recent years.
The days are informal - we will use the time to cover what is most interesting to the group.
The fee for joining the two days is £300 (+ UK VAT) for both days.
We don’t want fees to exclude anyone, so you are also welcome to let us know a cost that can work for you, if that would make it possible for you to join us.